If you have been following news reports lately, you may have noticed a worrying trend where many employers are enforcing mass layoffs within the organizations that they control. Sadly, this trend did not just begin with the current pandemic which has decimated the operational budgets of most organizations rather it is a trend that has been steadily growing in recent years.
When employers are looking to downsize the workforce in their organizations, most usually carry out an in-depth audit to identify the workers who bring the most value to the table. When it is time for the axe to fall down, the employees who are usually spared are those who can effectively contribute to the optimal running of an organization without increasing overhead costs, a good example being the employees who have a diverse skill set and multiple qualifications.
With new innovations rolling out with each passing day and with the current economic turmoil that has not spared most businesses, most employees wake up each day dreading the moment when they may be informed that their organization will be downsizing especially given that the prospects of finding a new job these perilous times is akin to finding an oasis in the desert. If you are employed and are seeking job security in your organization, or, you are actively seeking a job and are looking to boost your prospects of getting hired, there is only one way to win… Consider increasing your qualifications by taking online classes especially during this period when the world is still healing from the ravages of the pandemic.
Top Reasons to Consider Increasing Your Qualifications by Taking Online Classes
The true beauty of online classes is that they are usually taken virtually – meaning that you can study remotely. With authorities everywhere encouraging people to avoid congregating in large crowds as it puts them at high risk of contracting COVID-19, taking online classes is one of the best ways that you can prudently use the free time on your hands. The best part is that you will be increasing your knowledge and skills while at the same time engaging in fun and informative interactions with fellow learners taking your course from across the globe.
Additionally, note that though many employers may have promised to re-engage staff who were laid off because of the tough economic times once the pandemic is under control, this is unlikely to happen. Studies show that many organizations have learnt how to effectively distribute the scarce labour resources at their disposal and still hit their margins mostly by hiring versatile workers who can perform optimally even when given assignments in different departments. The best way to ensure that your job is not threatened by more qualified entrants is to enhance your skill set by exploring the different online courses offered for your industry.
Lastly, remember that there is no such thing as, ‘too much knowledge.’ If you increase your qualifications by taking online classes, you will not only be priming yourself for a quicker career progression within your organization but also increasing your attractiveness to other potential employers. With the right qualifications, there is a high likelihood that you will not even have to send out applications rather you will be headhunted for positions that suit your skill set. Go to findmyprogramme.com for more information.
Quick Tips for Choosing Online Classes
•   Make sure that you carefully look at the emerging and projected workforce needs for your industry before choosing an online course. This will help you to identify skills that you ought to gain so as to stay at the top of the game within your industry
•   Ensure that you carefully vet prospective online learning institutions before enrolling for any classes. Remember that there are some unscrupulous individuals on the web whose sole job is to con unsuspecting people by offering unaccredited courses. Ideally, you should focus on enrolling for classes offered by an institution with an unimpeachable reputation
•   Remember that online classes only happen to be virtual in name. Though you may be learning remotely, you will still be expected to go through the same coursework and do the same assignments and tests as learners attending classes physically. Simply put, do not slack off just because you are learning virtually
•   Virtual learning can sometimes be complicated and hard since you will not always have a tutor to guide you through the complicated aspects of your coursework. The best way past this block is to ensure that you try to identify, share and communicate with fellow learners taking your course. With friends to get you will easily be able to get past the rigorous parts of coursework – after all, two heads are better than one
•   Though online courses tend to be offered at a relatively cheaper fee, do not sacrifice quality education at the altar of price. If you are looking to receive the best education resources and guidance when taking online classes, ensure that you first carry out in-depth research so as to identify a reputable yet reasonably priced institution offering the course you need