Gambling and Psychology Feature

Gambling Between Ritual and Community, a Psychological Analysis

What is hidden within the mechanisms of gambling? What lies behind a player’s behavior? What are the social and collective implications? A new book, “The Psychology of the Player,” addresses these and many other questions.

Gambling has been a part of human history since ancient times and today enriches its traditions, festivities, and celebrations. The relationships that are established between gambling and society can tell us much about values and beliefs, customs and behaviors, found everywhere around the globe.

gambling, slot machine
Source: Unsplash

From the stick and stone games played by Native Americans to Pachinko in Japan, a game similar to pinball, through to the dice thrown in India during Diwali or the bingo played at Christmas time, gambling experiences are found everywhere and are tied to specific calendars and moments. All of this, of course, has significant social consequences, played out on the dual track of acceptance and taboo. Accepted in Western society, regulated and controlled, gambling is prohibited for religious reasons in Middle Eastern culture, which adheres strictly to Islamic tenets.

Gambling and society influence each other, shaping relationships among individuals and within the community. Examining all this is the new ebook “Betting on Mind: An exploration of the Psychology of Gambling”, edited by the staff of Giochi di Slots, which looks from a psychological perspective at the role of gambling in our times. A journey into the depths of the unconscious, both individual and collective. Just as when analyzing the ethical implications of gambling, described based on culture, values, and social norms. Starting from ancient civilizations, where gambling was popular and often seen neutrally, through to the religious view (we mentioned Islam but Christianity also sees gambling as a sin, since it relates to greed), and then to the Age of Enlightenment when Kant warned against gambling as an enemy of dignity.

A journey into what is described as a real maze, filled with challenges and perspectives, where not only enthusiasts must navigate but also industry workers, experts, legislators, and those who have to make decisions for the regulatory and public framework of the game. A world that hides aspects and implications we can’t even imagine on the surface. And they reveal a lot about us and our society.

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