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Essentials For a Freelancer Career

Moving from a paid job to freelance work can be intimidating. However, it will give you greater flexibility and allow you to be your own boss. The life of a freelancer is not for everybody, and we look at what qualities are needed, as well as the essentials to have in place when you start working fulltime from home.

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Are you Suitable for Freelancing?

The first aspect to note is that you do not get paid just for showing up. Payments are only made for actual work completed. So, you need self-discipline and dedication to earn thedesired income. Nobody will be pushing you. It is all up to you.

Secondly, you can take days off whenever you have other responsibilities or are ill, or simply want the time to relax. You can plan for your vacation by putting in extra hours to build up enough income so you don’t need to work for a week or two.

Thirdly, you may have several projects you are working on at the same time. You need to have good planning skills to stay on top of your work.

Here is a list of the core characteristics of a good freelancer.

Finding Work

There are plenty of freelance jobs available online. You just have to do your research. Read reviews from other freelancers so that you can be aware of unfavorable working conditions.This site provides a list of the websites for top freelancing companies.

Good companies will have a screening process. You have to meet their expectations to be offered a contract. This shows that the company is serious about the quality of work it accepts and passes on to clients.  Try to have at least two sources of income, as there may be slow periods at times.

Setting Up an Office to Work from

You will need a dedicated space at home to work from. The basic items you need are a desk and chair, your computer, and a mobile hotspot or WIFI connection. What is important is to get family members to understand that when you are working, it is as if you were at the office not home, and not to disrupt your attention except in a real emergency.

Invoicing Clients

You will need to invoice your clients. This can be done using various software solutions like QuickBooks, or even a simple spreadsheet template. Things to look out for when sending and receiving money as a freelancer are the costs for transactions, and for overseas transactions, the exchange rate. Bank transfers work well if you have clients in your home country but look at other options if you work with overseas clients. Get the app so that you can receive money from your Smartphone anywhere and anytime.

If you are working overseas and want to send money home to help out your family, use a money transfer service, such as Ria Money Transfer, which is active in over 165 currencies.

When freelancing is right for you, you will never look back once you have enjoyed the perks of being your own boss.

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