Tony Abi-Jaoude Featured

Enhancing Business Networking and Event Engagement with OnPoint’s Privacy-First Platform

Tony Abi-Jaoude
Tony Abi-Jaoude, Founder and CEO of OnPoint, a cutting-edge platform designed to enhance business networking and event engagement with a privacy-first approach joins Enterprise Radio.

Listen to host Eric Dye & guest Tony Abi-Jaoude discuss the following:

  1. What inspired the creation of the OnPoint platform, and what gap in the market does it aim to fill?
  2. How does OnPoint’s privacy-first approach benefit both businesses and users, and why is this important today?
  3. What are the key features of the OnPoint app that make it a must-have for executives and their teams?
  4. How can businesses leverage OnPoint to enhance their event engagement and networking strategies?
  5. I hear there is a New version of OnPoint coming soon. Can you give us an idea of some of the new features coming?

Tony Abi-Jaoude is a seasoned cybersecurity expert with over two decades of industry experience, currently leading the way as Founder and CEO of OnPoint. A trusted advisor and connector, Tony has engaged with top enterprise customers, consistently demonstrating his passion for solving complex industry challenges.

With a history of success in various leading roles, he has now channeled his expertise into OnPoint, a company dedicated to redefining executive engagement and privacy. His dynamic approach to problem-solving and his dedication to innovation have established him as a respected figure in the cybersecurity community.

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