Italy has emerged as one of the most preferred immigration destinations because of the sheer number of routes it offers. You can land as a citizen if you qualify through the descent, marriage, or naturalization route. Even those not eligible for citizenship can explore residency options with the Italian investor visa. In fact, the shortcut route is ideal for global entrepreneurs looking to set up a business overseas. The journey can be a breeze as these professionals can assist you with the Italian Investor Visa process. Once you are in Italy, you can embark on the road to growth. Here are some valuable business insights to going global with the Italian investor visa.

Plan for immigration funding
Going global is a daunting commitment for entrepreneurs because you will require a bigger budget for your startup. Expect the funding required to be massive if you plan to relocate to another country. With an Italian investor visa, you have a relatively easy way in because the process is versatile in the investment context. You can actually get in with thousands instead of millions because the minimum requirement is €250,000. Although the amount is not as massive as in other countries, you must still plan for it. Include it in your startup financial planning to get a smooth launch.
Speed up the process with paperwork
Another great thing about the Italian investor visa is that the process takes only a few months to complete. You need not worry about postponing your business launch indefinitely due to the extended queues at the consulate. But having the paperwork ready is the key to completing the process sooner than later. The good part is that the documentation required for an investor visa is minimal. Your bank statements are most crucial as they serve as proof of funds to obtain the nulla osta (certificate of no impediment). You need to bring the money only after entering Italy and getting a residence permit.
Explore the opportunity of going truly global
The Italian investor visa empowers immigrants with the opportunity to go truly global with their business ventures. You can start your business as a resident, but it is only a beginning. Being an Italian resident, you have the freedom to travel visa-free across the EU. Consider it a chance to explore the Schengen markets and find collaboration opportunities in the best ones. Another favorable fact is that you can bring your loved ones to Italy without additional funds. You become eligible for a second passport by qualifying for citizenship by naturalization. A stay of ten years as a resident is the primary eligibility factor for naturalization, so ensure renewing your residence status on time. Also, be ready to hold your investment for the long haul.
Setting up a business in Italy is a good idea because the market offers excellent growth prospects. You can rely on the Italian investor visa to cover the immigration front because it is fast, simple, and practical. Moreover, it sets you up for citizenship and global growth, so you should definitely capitalize on the opportunity.