Breath Alcohol Tests: How Accurate Are They? | Featured Image

Breath Alcohol Tests: How Accurate Are They?

Many adults enjoy an alcoholic beverage or two from time to time. However, there are rules against driving while under the influence of alcohol. If you break these rules or if a law enforcement officer suspects that you have, they may ask you to take a breath alcohol test.

If this happens to you, what should you do? Are these tests even accurate or reliable? Educating yourself on the facts surrounding breath alcohol tests can help individuals make the wisest decisions possible.

man driving a car and holding bottle of beer don't drink and drive concept
Source: Unsplash+

Know The Laws In Your State

Ideally, no one would drink any amount of alcohol and then drive or operate any vehicle. However, this is not reality. There are times when, after drinking, a person may need to drive.

Furthermore, laws do not always prohibit the ingestion of any amount of alcohol before driving. For these reasons and to protect yourself, you should first become familiar with the driving while impaired or intoxicated laws within your state. By knowing these laws, drivers can reduce their chances of being charged or convicted with related offenses.

Breath Alcohol Tests Are Not Always Accurate

Individuals are often surprised to learn that breath alcohol tests are not always fully accurate. Instead, there is a margin of error involved in these tests. A Fort Worth DWI Lawyer has an understanding of the possibility for error and may be able to pose evidence that a test was inaccurate or misadministered. Because attorneys understand that the accuracy of such tests can be called into question, even those individuals who have been arrested following a breath test should still seek legal help. A lawyer can discuss the facts of the case and the arrest and may be able to build a plausible defense.

Not All Stops Are Legal Stops

When a person fails a breath alcohol test, they may feel like all is lost. In some cases, they may even plead guilty, but know that a failed test does not always mean imminent prosecution. Lawyers, for example, may be able to demonstrate that the arresting officer performed an unlawful stop. After all, if a stop was not valid or allowed, there could potentially be no reason for the breath alcohol test in the first place, possibly rendering the results invalid.

Contributing Factors Can Affect A Breath Alcohol Test

Concerningly, alcoholic beverages are not the only substance that can affect a breath alcohol test. Some types of food or other products used by mouth can sometimes contribute to an unfairly high breath alcohol reading. People who suspect that other substances may have played a role in their breath alcohol test results are encouraged to speak with an attorney about the facts of their case. Even those who are uncertain can still benefit from talking with a lawyer and discussing their behaviors that may have affected the test results.

All individuals are entitled to fair legal representation, regardless of the facts of their case. Thus, anyone who has been charged with an alcohol-related driving offense should seek out the help and advice of a qualified lawyer. This is true whether a breath alcohol test or any other type of alcohol testing was administered or not and no matter what the results were. The help that a lawyer can offer in these circumstances is often invaluable and is always worth pursuing.

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