Benefits of AngularJS

Since its inception, JavaScript has gained a reputation as the ugly duckling. Only years later did he manage to become a real rock star among programming languages. The creators predicted a grandiose future for him, but this dream was not destined to come true soon. Professional developers who are familiar with Java development immediately threw JavaScript aside for its clumsiness. And there is lack of the usual object-oriented approach in the classical sense. The low speed of the first versions of interpreters. There is the lack of cross-browser functionality. There are the nuances of the work of some operators and a bunch of other unobvious things completely discouraged professionals from writing code in this language with

The jQuery library has become the number one tool for developing web applications. Thousands of inspired developers have embraced the new wave and started contributing in the form of a variety of plugins. Plugins that solve specific problems were the first step towards modularity and code reuse.

Photo by Lukas from Pexels

JavaScript got its second birth: jQuery solved a number of problems, developers began to optimize interpreters, allowing JS code to execute significantly faster. Improvements were evident, but a new problem was not long in coming.

The amount of JavaScript code went off scale, and a typical web application began to turn into noodles from html / css / js code. Nobody thought about patterns, development methods, or other time-honored development practices. Everyone enjoyed the easy development and pushed tons of code all over the application. Popularity, a low threshold for entering another wave of chaos and created a new global problem in the unstable world of JS.

The next step in JavaScript development

Adult programming languages ​​that have come a long way of development have perfectly worked out various design patterns. All that remained was to collect the best of them. And it transfers them to the world of JavaScript. This is how the first frameworks began to appear.

The first frameworks effectively dealt with the structure of the application being developed. And it fought chaos with standards. JavaScript has risen to the next step up. And once again it forced to draw attention to itself.

Developers received a ready-made framework, coding standards. There are functional components and the ability to focus on solving their own problems, rather than inventing another structure.

Angular.JS is a heroic framework

A key component of angular.js is directives that allow you to naturally extend the capabilities of html. They are elegantly added to existing tags and create an invisible bridge between html and JavaScript. They can be compared to the building blocks of an application.

Out of the box, angular.js comes with a ready-made set of directives, recognized to make it easier to solve common tasks. Any developer, if necessary, can create their own directives, thereby expanding the functionality.

The benefits of angular.js

You can add another control to the application that should interact with others. And you immediately face the problem of synchronization. We must not forget to register handlers in the right places. And we must hope that they will work correctly if to

Two way binding in Angular.js solves this problem effectively. Add the appropriate directive to the controls and get synchronization in both directions. Changes to the model are reflected in the view, and editing the view immediately updates the model.

When developing complex applications, two-way binding makes interacting with the view much easier. The developer always has the ability to change the view. For example, change the input line to a drop-down list. While maintaining the link with the model.

The declarative approach sets angular.js apart from other frameworks. The developers did not get involved in holy wars against HTML. Instead, they tried to extend the capabilities of the markup language and take it to the next level with additional directives. Lack of features – just create a directive according to your preferences.

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