A Mindset Well-Being Program for Entrepreneurs and Leaders

Dr. Steve Woodbury, Founder and Director of the MindZen Method™, providing personal and group-based Mind and High-Performance Well-Being programs joins Enterprise Fit Radio.

Listen to host Eric Dye & guest Dr. Steve Woodbury discuss the following:

  1. You have built a powerful brand in the industry. Tell me about how you created the MindZen Method.
  2. Briefly, can you tell me a little about what is the MindZen Method?
  3. What is a common myth about your profession or field of expertise?
  4. What is the biggest challenge you are facing in your role/business right now and how are you tackling it?
  5. What is the most important lesson you’ve learned over your career?
  6. What is one thing about you profession or field of expertise that almost no-one agrees with you about?
  7. Who has been your most important professional mentor or coach?

Dr. Steve Woodbury is an award-winning MindZen Coach who creates well-being solutions for people and their organisation’s.

Before commencing your program, he would conduct an assessment of an individual’s current position across the domains of personality, social connectedness, physical health, and mental health.

He would work with each person to uniquely identify how their current lifestyle is preventing them from achieving their goals and then a specific program is developed in consultation with them to plot, review, and achieve individual wellbeing.

Website: https://mindzengroup.com

The views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of The Enterprise Podcast Network – EPN. 

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