7 Ways to Navigate Tricky Mental Health Issues in the Workplace

If you’ve ever had to deal with a mental health issue, you know how challenging it can be to navigate the workplace. Knowing what to tell, who to tell, and how much to tell can feel overwhelming. The important thing is to recognize that if your mental health is suffering, then everything else will suffer too, including your work. If you don’t find a way to manage it, you could end up without a job. Here are some of the top ways to manage a tricky mental health issue at work.

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Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a simple method that you can use to become more aware of your thoughts, feelings, and the world around you. By practicing mindfulness regularly, you’ll learn how to respond more wisely when faced with difficult situations. It also means you can recognize when your mental health is too much to bear alone and you’ll be more willing to seek out mental health treatments like TMS for bipolar or cognitive behavioral therapies for anxiety. In the process, you’ll learn to deal with stress more effectively and reduce negative emotions like anger or worry that get in the way of work performance.

Take Care of Your Physical Health

One of the most important things you can do is take care of your physical health. This includes getting enough sleep and eating well, as well as exercising regularly. Doing these will go a long way toward improving your mental health.

Create a Support System

To create a support system, you must be open with at least some of your co-workers. For example, if you are struggling with depression or anxiety, let people know what’s happening in your life and how they can help. Talking about your issues will make you feel less alone. It also creates an environment where employees feel comfortable talking about their struggles which can lead to more productive work days and positive relationships among coworkers. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Don’t Live in the “What-Ifs”

It’s so important to remember that the “what-ifs” are just thoughts, they don’t define us or our reality. In fact, the more we believe in our negative thinking, the more energy we give it, and the harder it is for us to change our behavior or think differently about what’s going on in our lives. Plus, these thoughts aren’t helpful or useful at all; they’re just negative.

Ask for Help

Ask for help. You don’t have to do this alone. If you are struggling, there are people who can help support and care for you. There might be colleagues, friends, and family members, an HR department or manager at work, a counselor or other mental health professional who would be more than happy to help you.

Don’t be afraid of the stigma. Many people are afraid to talk about their mental illness during the workday because they fear being judged by others in the office, especially their boss or coworkers, and that this will negatively affect their career opportunities in the future. While we all have different experiences with stigmas surrounding mental illness.

Know When to Say No

Saying no at work is scary. It can mean that you might risk conflict or appear to be a poor employee. But learning to say no and set limitations is critical when you are managing your mental health. If it’s your boss and you are already overloaded with tasks, ask them to prioritize which tasks they want you to focus on first. This puts the responsibility on them to decide what you should spend your time on which can result in less stress or anxiety for you.

Don’t be Afraid to Speak Out

You’re entitled to speak up about mental health issues in the workplace. You can be honest and open about your struggles and you can ask for help. You have a right to ask for time off and even to request a transfer to a different department if things aren’t working out as well as they could be. Just remember that these are serious matters so make sure you take advice from an experienced professional before taking such actions. This also means requesting time off and taking it without feeling like you need to justify it. 

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