3 Tips to Spin Off and Reuse Business Videos As Content

Like most businesses, odds are yours is creating lots of videos and using them as content. That is almost a given nowadays, but the real question is: Are you reusing any of your business videos?

Reusing and spinning off business videos can be very beneficial and will give you the opportunity to freshen up older videos, tailor the video for a different platform, or target a different demographic. However it is easier said than done, which is why you should always keep the following tips in mind:

  • Outline your goal before getting started

The first thing that you should do before trying to reuse or spin off business videos is to outline your goal for the new video you’re going to be creating. Is it going to be to update the information in the original video? Create a different version for a different social media platform? Extract clips for a highlight reel?

By outlining the goal from the get go, you’ll have a better idea of what you need to accomplish. That can be extremely useful as you start to go over your business videos and try to figure out how to actually reuse parts of them.

  • Look into creating different types of content

Some of the more common ways in which business videos are reused is by shortening them into more tightly focused topics, creating highlight reels, condensing them, or redesigning some of its visuals. While that is all well and good – you shouldn’t limit yourself to reusing business videos as video content alone.

Instead you should look at other ways in which your business videos can be reused as content. For example you could transcribe a video, take a couple of screenshots, and turn it into an article. Or you could record the audio track from a business video you uploaded to Vevo and turn it into a podcast – converting Vevo to MP3 using Movavi Screen Recorder for example.

  • Keep a record of the content of every business video you create

A lot of the time the most difficult part of reusing or spinning off business videos is having to go over them manually and curate their content. That can be a whole lot easier if you make it a policy to keep a record of the content of every business video.

Ideally that record should include a detailed description of the video and the scenes in it. Along with it you could attach a transcript of the video that will give you more ways to search for content later on.

See how these tips can make a world of difference when you start to reuse or spin off your business videos? At the end of the day there are so many ways to repurpose videos that you could explore, and each one of them represents an opportunity to create new content that could benefit your business.

As far as possible you shouldn’t let that opportunity go to waste – not when it could be a great source of content for your business.

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