Have an interview coming up? Check out our 10 tips to ace your next interview!
1. Prepare ahead of time
Not only does preparing ahead of time show the interviewer you did your homework, but it also gives you the added benefit of feeling more confident. Going into an interview prepared helps to combat pre-interview jitters.
2. Dress well (but comfortably)
While it’s important to dress to impress for your interview, it’s also important to dress in something you feel comfortable in. Interviews are nervewracking enough—dressing in clothes you don’t like will just intensify that feeling.
3. Know where you’re going
Making sure you know where you’re going ahead of time will make things easier when you’re headed to your interview. Which leads us to our next point…
4. Arrive on time
Showing up late is the best way to make sure you don’t get the job. By knowing where you’re going and planning ahead, you’ll be more likely to show up on time.
5. Bring your resume
Even if you’ve already sent in a resume, it’s a good idea to bring a copy to the interview. It will give the interviewer something to reference and you’ll be able to build off of the points in your resume.
6. Know what kind of interview you’re going into
There are several types of interviews, such as group interviews, phone interviews, working interviews… Knowing which kind you’re going into will help you prepare beforehand.
7. Research the company
Doing your research on the company you’re interviewing with shows the interviewer you’ve taken an active interest in the company. Whether you’re aiming to join well-established or startup companies, having some knowledge about your potential employer will surely add points for a higher probability of being hired. Being able to talk with them about company products, events, and current news is a great way to separate yourself from the crowd.
8. Ask the interviewer questions
We all know that we’re going to be questioned in an interview, but did you know that you should be asking the interviewer questions as well? Not only is it good for you to know what yourself getting into, but it also shows the interviewer that you’re not desperate to take the first job that comes around.
9. Keep it relevant, but brief
Although it’s important to answer the interviewer’s questions, it’s equally as important to keep things short and sweet. Often, applicants will go on tangents or simply go too in-depth on a question. When answering, provide the interviewer with what they need, but do it in a way that doesn’t eat up all their time.
10. Provide specific examples
One of the best ways to make sure you get a callback is to be as specific as possible when talking about your employment history. Providing specific examples of when you did well on a job or satisfied a client will give the interviewer a better idea of how awesome you are at your job.
Interested in more interview tips? Check out this guide on how to nail your next job interview.