Dr. Stan Rose Feature

Tips for Navigating the Inevitable Unexpected: Secrets from a Biotech CEO

Can't Tame a Mongoose: Memoir of a Genomics Entrepreneur. by Dr. Stan Rose
Dr. Stan Rose, PhD, a MIT biologist, turned life sciences executive and entrepreneur who has created and led multiple businesses in the emerging fields of DNA analysis and genomics joins Enterprise Radio. His new book is Can’t Tame a Mongoose: Memoir of a Genomics Entrepreneur.

This episode of Enterprise Radio is on association with the Author Channel.

Listen to host Eric Dye & guests Dr. Stan Rose discuss the following:

  1. Your book has a terrific title. But I have to ask: who, or what, is the mongoose?
  2. Talk about your own trajectory — you were an MIT scientist. How did you shift to becoming an entrepreneur?
  3. What prompted you to write this book?
  4. Can you give some examples of those inevitable unexpected events you faced, for instance, during your work in genomics?
  5. What can entrepreneurs and leaders do to avoid these events?
  6. What advice would you give to an entrepreneur just starting out today?

Stan Rose, PhD, MIT biologist, turned life sciences executive and entrepreneur, created and led multiple businesses in the emerging fields of DNA analysis and genomics. After several successful ventures, he was suddenly diagnosed with a life-threatening genetic disease. Some of the same technologies he had helped bring to the clinic became critical to his own survival. Following a kidney transplant, he’s continued to contribute to science and medicine. His firm, Rose Ventures, Inc., works with early-stage companies developing innovative, high-impact life science products and services. His new book is Can’t Tame a Mongoose: Memoir of a Genomics Entrepreneur.

Can't Tame a Mongoose Cover

Website: https://www.roseventures.net

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