Leadership Tools for Developing Trust and Collaboration

Jill Ratliff, an Executive Coach, Leadership Speaker with more than 20 years of Fortune 100 Human Resources Management experience and author of the new book “Leadership through Trust and Collaboration” joins Enterprise Radio.

This episode of Enterprise Radio is in association with the Author Channel.

Listen to host Eric Dye & guest Jill Ratliff discuss the following:

  1. What inspired you to write this book now?
  2. How is the message in this book different from other books on Leadership?
  3. How did your hands-on experience, as someone who spent over 25 years leading people & culture efforts in large global corporations, shape your perspective on leadership?
  4. If you had to give leaders just one piece of practical advice from your book, what would it be?
  5. In light of the current state and condition of challenges facing leaders today (both with Covid and racial tensions,) what you share about how to lead in these extraordinary times?
  6. Are you optimistic about the future? If so, what makes you feel that way?

Jill Ratliff is an Author, Executive Coach, and Leadership Speaker with more than 20 years of Fortune 100 Human Resources Management experience.  She is author of the new book Leadership through Trust and Collaboration. Jill also is a longtime mentor with Pathbuilders, an organization that helps high-performing women accelerate their careers.

Website: jillratliffleadership.com

Social Media Links:
Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/jill-ratliff
Twitter: @jillmratliff
Instagram: instagram.com/jillmratliff

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