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Innovation: How Innovators Think, Act and Change Our World with Kim Chandler McDonald

Kim Chandler McDonald

Kim Chandler McDonald, author of the internationally acclaimed, ‘Innovation: How Innovators Think, Act and Change Our World’ joins Enterprise Radio.

Listen to interview with host Eric Dye & guest Kim Chandler McDonald discuss the following:

  • How important is having a ‘lean’ ethos to innovative entrepreneurship and equity ownership?
  • How different is your role as an author and an entrepreneur? And, what were some of the challenges you had to meet and master in these roles?
  • In an arena that is crowded with books about innovation, how did you differentiate yours?
  • Can people become more innovative?
  • Do you have a ‘secret sauce’ you’re willing to share?

Duration: 17:33

Kim Chandler McDonald is the Co-Founder, Flat World Navigator and EVP of KimmiC, a company which specializes in adaptive approaches, leading edge innovations and robust technologies such as FlatWorld™, the simple, secure, powerful platform for user centered knowledge capture, collaboration and capitalization.

Kim is the author of Innovation: How Innovators Think, Act and Change Our World, which includes her interviews* with over 100 international innovators, business and thought leaders in a wide range of fields including business and technology, education and engineering, art, architecture, media medicine and more. As noted in the introduction, “Three core axioms infuse this book: 1) innovation drives change – cultural, societal and economic; 2) innovation, in some form, touches each and everyone of us, wherever we may be, as individuals communities and societies as a whole; and 3) innovators deserve recognition, celebration and applause. This book is my hands clapping.” The book is (available in print/eBook formats and industry-first format, Enhanced Edition/Online Ecosystem – which integrates the latest interactivity, web publishing and cloud technologies along with KimmiC’s FlatWorldTM technology).

Kim is an internationally respected thought leader in leading edge innovations, innovative business strategies, disruptive approaches and transformational trends such as Flat World Navigation, meHealth, InnovEducation and Enduser Empowerment. A topnotch communicator, Kim is highly adept at building and maintaining dynamic relationships at a local, national and global level. As the world’s first, branded, Flat World Navigator, she was included in the inaugural ‘LinkedIn Power Profiles – Australia’ list of 2012. She currently sits on Griffith University’s Enterprise Advisory Board and the Advisory Board of Frost and Sullivan’s Global Innovation and Leadership Community as well as being an Academy Fellow of the International Entrepreneurship Academy.

Formerly, Kim was writer/editor for a number of national and international publications and host/producer of the award winning English Breakfast radio program. During this time she interviewed a myriad of fascinating people such as: former US Sec. of State, Madeleine Albright; former President of South Africa, FW de Klerk; film directors Peter Greenaway and Terry Gilliam; theoretical physicist, Brian Greene; and authors John Irving, Amy Tan and Tom Wolfe.

Innovation- How Innovators Think, Act and Change Our World book cover

Web Sites: |
Twitter: @KimmiCFlatWorld | @kimchandler

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