How can calendar sync boost employee productivity?

Boosting employee’s productivity is imperative to any organization. While there are many determinants to why your team always misses deadlines, one influential one is the miscommunication of individual responsibilities. Regardless of the best environment and surpassing softwares to work with, an organization cannot yield the best performance from its human resource if it doesn’t have good organizational tools, that is to say, not keeping track of the day-to-day progress of the employees. 

Photo by Anete Lusina from Pexels

Calendars, in themselves, are great when it comes to tracking individual activities, but without cross-referencing and scheduling, even the calendars can hinder the advancement. With unified and sync calendars, however, it is easy to sort out the employee’s duties. 

This guide will inform you how calendars, being almost invisible in a workgroup, are responsible for the company’s growth or serve as a comedown, for that matter. To be specific, you will find out how sync calendars can boost your organization’s productivity. 

But first things first. 

How critical is calendar sync to an organization? 

From scheduling meetings to sharing relevant insights, a calendar helps an organization manage its projects effectively. Providing a to-do list to every individual or division of the organization benefits everyone by scheduling everything accordingly and avoids temporizing. Plus, with an active update of upcoming meetings, individuals can sort all things beforehand and deliver more beneficial insights. In all, a calendar helps one to stay on task, prioritize, and also reminds one to take the much-needed breaks. 

As mentioned, a calendar can also limit productivity if misused; for instance, if employees use multiple accounts or the calendar app does not allow you to sync—there could be several discrepancies within the company. So, aside from using a good calendar app, your company should invest in reliable integrations to counter these disparities.  

With that said, let us discern how calendar sync can boost employee productivity. 

All the schedules will be at the employee’s fingertips

Above all, calendar sync allows you to create a better experience for everyone. Not only can you work around everyone’s schedules but also you can automatically add tasks to their calendars. Moreover, you can utilize the integrations like Itrezzo Calendar Sync to share the calendar to the employee’s phones (both on Android and iPhones); this enables you to unify the calendars from all sources and present them at the employee’s fingertips. This is essential because even the sophisticated calendar apps do not allow sharing the updates in real-time. 

Time-saving features

Instead of using multiple calendars with different teams, you can streamline all the tasks from one app. Multiple calendars create an unnecessary hassle and also necessitate you to ensure that the schedules do not clash. However, when you sync your calendars, instead of accessing different apps every time to ensure nothing misses, you can connect all your schedules on one device and get a unified calendar. Doing so will save a lot of time and avoid switching from app to app each time you want to access your schedules. 

Workload Sharing

Another benefit of calendar sync is that they remove redundancy; most teams often do the same work twice without recognizing the others’ schedules. With a sync calendar app, employees can view each other tasks and avoid duplication of the same assignment. Moreover, calendar sync also allows sharing the workload if need be; for instance, if someone has much to do while the other has a free schedule, they can effectively distribute the work and improve overall productivity. Not only it advances organizational efficiency, but also it encourages teamwork. 

Track individual activities

As mentioned, calendar sync enables you to view the employee’s schedule in real-time; this allows you to distribute the work among everyone as per their availability status. Furthermore, calendar sync also lets you track the time taken by the employees to complete a specific task; you can then take necessary measures to improve individual productivity by working on the constituents that hinder the workflow.

Plan team meetings whenever required

Most organizations have to wait until the next scheduled meeting to communicate any critical information. Even the best calendars apps like Outlook deliver notifications about any imminent schedule only when employees are on their desktop (unless they manually check on the mobile app). However, online synced calendars can notify about any upcoming tasks, even on the employee’s mobile phones. Besides, online calendars automatically update the schedules of the team members. And also give updates about their agendas in real-time. This permits everyone to know about the availability status of each other and plan meetings sequentially. This means you do not have to wait to discuss any crucial information and plan meetings effectively without intervening with the employee’s schedule. Moreover, you can also cancel meetings and notify everyone in real-time. 

Prepare own schedules

Instead of assigning tasks to individuals, it is more satisfying to let the employees choose and share their responsibilities. The benefit of allowing the employees to make their own schedules are several, but the most influential is— they know which tasks require more priority.  Plus, they will also have a good idea of how much time it takes to achieve the task. It also avoids assigning more responsibilities than a person can handle, which should not be the case because allocating more can force them to delegate or outsource the tasks. 


Calendar Sync, in all, helps in better communication between teams and removes redundancy within the workforce. 

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