What size business can benefit from a captive insurance company with Stewart Feldman

Stewart Feldman

Stewart Feldman the Chief Executive Officer and General Counsel of Capstone joins Enterprise Radio. Houston-based Capstone, along with its affiliated law firm, The Feldman Law Firm LLP, is principally engaged in designing, forming, and administering small property and casualty insurance companies. These so-called “captive insurers” are affiliated with closely held businesses operating in a variety of industries located throughout the United States.

Capstone has formed over 120 captives since 1998 and presently operates 80+ on a turnkey basis for its clients.

Listen to host Eric Dye & guest Stewart Feldman discuss the following:

  • What is a captive insurance company and what purpose do they serve?
  • Who is an ideal prospect for a captive?  In other words, what size does a company need to be before it even considers a captive?  Is there a particular industry where captives are ideal?
  • Why would a business or a group of businesses decide that they needed a captive?  Why wouldn’t they just buy additional property and casualty insurance from an established insurance company?
  • Can you give an example or two of a success story that your firm has had with captives?  Perhaps one that has funded a major loss, and maybe one that has not?
  • What are the costs in setting up a captive?

Duration: 21:07

For more than the last decade, Mr. Feldman has been the chief executive officer or managing partner and principal owner of several Houston-based businesses.

The Feldman Law Firm LLP specializes in sophisticated corporate and tax planning for closely held businesses. The Firm is engaged on behalf of Mr. Feldman’s affiliated business interests as well as third party clients. The Firm also serves as litigation counsel for clients in a variety of commercial and business litigation matters. The Firm began in 1992 and Mr. Feldman continues to serve as its managing partner. Mr. Feldman’s practice focuses on being counsel for various closely held businesses, applying his legal, tax and financial skills for the benefit of the Firm’s clients.
Capstone Associated Services, Ltd. is principally engaged in administering property and casualty insurance companies for the benefit of third parties. The insurers are affiliated with closely held businesses operating in a variety of industries located throughout the United States. Capstone has formed in excess of 120 such companies and presently operates 80-plus on a turnkey basis for its clients. Capstone was formed in 1998.

RSL Funding, LLC. acquires and packages long-term annuities issued by major life insurance companies to fund personal injury settlements. The company was formed in 2003 following the passage of enabling federal legislation. RSL Funding operates throughout the U.S.

Additionally, from 2005 – 2007, Mr. Feldman served as Chairman of Northstar Healthcare (NHC:TO), which was a roll-up of Houston-area ambulatory surgery centers, floated in what was the largest IPO in Canada during 2007, raising $175 million. Serving as chief architects of the Northstar transaction, through his Capstone affiliate, Mr. Feldman lead a team of investment bankers, lawyers, and accountants from Vancouver, Toronto, New York, Philadelphia, Houston and San Francisco in completing this complex, groundbreaking deal. The transaction was widely reported in the Canadian financial press. The public offering financed the acquisition of Mr. Feldman’s interest in this venture, at which time he passed Northstar’s operations to professional management.

For more on Stewart Feldman click here.


Links: www.CapstoneAssociated.com

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