A Murder In Our Midst

The riveting new thriller: “A Murder In Our Midst” by author William Turner

William Turner

A new novelist, William Turner who has written a riveting new thriller: “A Murder In Our Midst”, where Walter Mosley Meets Agatha Christie With Classic Twists joins Enterprise Radio. You will certainly enjoy this interview.

Listen to interview with host Eric Dye & guest William Turner discuss the following:

  • How did you come up with your book: A MURDER IN OUR MIDST?
  • What is the story about about?
  • Do you plan to have a sequel?
  • What’s the hardest part in getting a thriller to work?
  • How do you create the characters and the plot?
  • Any advice for anyone that is looking to write their own book or novel?

Duration: 15:46

William Turner spent his formative years in New England. He was educated in the private, parochial school system, and is presently retired from State service (State of California), as a supervisor. He has one son (Ontonio), and three grandchildren. His grandson is serving in the United States Air Force. His daughter-in-law, Bridgette, is a practicing pediatrician.

William had aspired–so long ago–to be a priest, but felt at the time he had not been exposed enough to life to walk away and close the monastery door. His subsequent exposure to life sullied him beyond any aspiration to the priesthood. William now lives in Lancaster, California, spending much of his time doing penance, reflecting on his countless errors in judgment.

William’s penchant for writing mysteries stems from his exposure to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s stories and those of Agatha Christie. His mentor was Sister Agnes Bernard–his high school English teacher.

A Murder In Our Midst

The book can be purchased on Amazon and other major book outlets.

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