Building a Happier, More Productive Business with Fresh Fruit

Did you know that an apple a day can do much more than simply keep the doctor away? In fact, for UK businesses, a simple fruit bowl could help to grow a more engaged, productive company with markedly better staff retention.

There are a lot of issues facing British businesses in 2016, and no, we’re not talking about the looming spectre of Brexit uncertainty. Instead, we’re talking about the endemic issues which have seeped into our professional culture over the past decade; issues which include worsening workplace health, high staff attrition levels and poor productivity.

According to the UK Statistics Authority, 45 million working days were lost to depression, anxiety and stress in the last three years, while each UK employee took an average of 6.5 sick days in 2014, that’s 2.8% of all working time per annum.

Workplace well-being plays a huge role in these statistics. As our jobs become increasingly sedentary, our lives become less active. This rising level of inactivity doesn’t just result in obesity and physical health issues, it can also have a severe impact on our mental health. With experts regularly touting the benefits of healthy lifestyles for better mental health, there’s clearly more employers can do to reduce sick days, build a stronger, happier workforce and minimise staff attrition.

So how can a bowl of free fresh fruit help?

1. It encourages well-being

Sometimes all it takes is a little spark to help trigger a big change. Healthier eating habits at work, combined with a culture that promotes health and fitness, can encourage staff to make positive changes to their lifestyle, which means benefits for them and your business too!

2. It make staff feel valued

We’re much more likely to go out of our way to help somebody who cares about us. Many of today’s workers feel disconnected from their employers thanks to long hours and stressful lifestyles. Investing in their health and well-being using a small gesture like introducing free fresh fruit can help show staff that you are a company which cares, thus boosting engagement, positivity and productivity. In fact, Fruitful Office‘s recent “Big Fruit Experiment” revealed that 79% of employees claimed fresh fruit made them feel more valued by their employer.

3. It improves your corporate image
Maintaining a happy workforce is a tried and tested recipe for creating a positive brand image. Your staff are your ambassadors, which means their attitude and their feelings about your company can make a big difference to how your business is perceived by clients, customers, the press and the public at large. Invest time and energy in caring (and demonstrating care) for your staff, to earn a great reputation in wider circles.

Have you introduced health and well-being initiatives at your place of work? What were the results? Share your experiences with other readers below.

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